NOTE : This list ONLY shows players that are actually in game and playing. Players that are connected and Autodownloading content will NOT appear in this list, but WILL appear on site due to the fact that they are connected to the server.

7 player(s) online.

AdamOrin TalonPhilanthropist40 ER4SecondaryGuild - House TalonAFK Mode
baelfyreStarkhaven1 PrimaryTrinity - Town Center
DrakkonThomas DrakkonSupporter30 ER1PrimaryTrinity - Town Center
OnomatopoeiaIthian NefPhilanthropist30 PrimaryTrinity - Town Center
PalefoxTeg Dekcerw9 PrimaryTrinity - Town CenterRP Mode
QabalistTarotSupporter30 ER1SecondaryGuild - Aleph OrdoAFK Mode

Dungeon Master - tmaramba
Dardalion DrenaiSupporterN/AN/AN/A